Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

NYT: Deadliest for City’s Walkers: Male Drivers, Left Turns

A report released Monday by New York City’s transportation planners offers unique insight into the precarious life on the city’s streets. Read Deadliest for City’s Walkers: Male Drivers, Left Turns

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

DC Expands Bike-Sharing program with Bixi bike

From Treehugger:
Washington DC's SmartBike, the first bike-sharing program in the USA, is about to be supplanted by a much bigger and better bike-share. It will be based on Montréal's Bixi and grow the number of bikes and stations almost ten-fold!

Tweeted by Good
Photo Peter Meitzler, Flickr, cc

Friday, April 23, 2010

Aircruise - slow travel

The Aircruise luxury airship would carry 100 passengers from New York to London in 37 hours


Concept by Seymour Powell.

From The New York Times
